Friday 21 December 2012

The Script

(Hannah and Annie sitting in the coffee shop)
Hannah: what’s going on with you and jack?
Annie: he just ended it with me
Hannah: Why?
Annie: I don’t know he hasn’t said
Hannah: Are you upset?
Annie; A little bit like I thought it was going well but obviously not
Hannah: right ready to go?
Annie: yeah
(Hannah and Annie begin to leave)
Hannah: okay, you never know someone else might come along
(Kieran and Annie bump into each other)
Kieran: ohh sorry
Annie: it’s alright
(Kieran meets up with juber at the coffee shop)
Juber: you alright mate how’s it going?
(Kieran looks at annie walking away)
Kieran; yeah, yeah are you alright?
Juber: what’s wrong?
Kieran: nothing, umm did you see that girl?
Juber: yeah, she was alright
Kieran: she looked nice didn’t she?
Juber yeah, go for it
Kieran: yeah
(Cooking class scene)
(Annie entering class)
Annie: That’s it I’m done with him now, um I've got to go because of my cooking class thanks for the coffee bye
(Kieran entering class)
Kieran: yeah I really think I liked her but I guess ill never get to see her again, look I’m at cooking class at the moment I’ll call you back.
(Kieran walks up to Annie)
Kieran: Excuse me do you have any… (pauses)
(Annie interrupts)
Annie: cupcake cases?
(Annie creates mixture)
(Kieran puts the cake in the oven)
(Annie and Kieran take the cake out of the oven together)

Letter sent and approved of the location to film

Thursday 20 December 2012

Filming our trailer

We had booked the cooking room before hand, for filming. This meant the room looked as authentic as possible, the room was full of ovens, sinks, fridges for our film. we brought in some of our own props as well from cup cake cases,bowels, spoons and an cake that we had bought so it would look professional . We did come across some problems from finding actors to act as there was a lot f exams going on at the time and people didn't have the time. some of the charters description changed slightly as we had to use actors that were free to film.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Location Settings

Location Recce (Photos)

Location Pictures on PhotoPeach

  Location Pictures on PhotoPeach

Here are some photos that I took from my smart phones to capture the images whilst we were filming the location recce of the Kitchen in our school. I took these photos to get the pictures on what equipment we were using to film the kitchen. Further to this it enabled us to know the equipment we were using that is going to be capable for future preferences for our trailer.
The equipment we used were:

  • Panasonic HD Camera
  • Dolly (Tracking Movement)
  • Camera Stand
These 3 key aspects in making filming or footage that we did to know and research about our location in our school.

Friday 7 December 2012

Up-to-date on blog

During research and development I've improved my blog and found websites like photo peaches, animato and prezi. The presentation software has developed my work in a dynamic and enthusiastic way.

Make up

During our research we discovered that the make up and costumes of similar films we can see what factors our film needs to have for it to be effective. The make up of the female character needs to be simple yet feminine.

The make up I'd say is not appropriate for our film and this tries to indicate that the characters is very girlie as she has used a lot of pale pinks and her blonde hair makes her look quite innocent. We want our character to have a different side to her, she needs to be tough, independent and strong this make up doesn't give that impression.

The costume we want to remain pretty simple for the female character as she does like to bake cakes and doesn't dress up too much but then you see her towards the end of the film and she has transformed she is in a dress and her make up and hair is done, which makes her character grow and you can see the difference from the cake baker and the real woman.
Looking at the make up and costumes of similar films we can see what factors our film needs to have for it to be effective. The make up of the female character needs to be simple yet feminine.

Make Up on PhotoPeach

Trailer Highlights

For our trailer we need to get the attention of the audience:
  • Clip of them fighting
  • Close up of the faces of the two characters when they are told they have to work together
  • Image of a cake
  • Camera in the room looking at the equipment
  • Characters laughing with each other throwing flower and eggs at each other
  • Last shot of a door when the pair leave the site and School bell goes ending the trailer.
  • Then a sentence that creates a question to the audience to get them to think.
The trailer should get are target audience interested to see what happens between the boy and the girl as we have placed images to let them know of there feelings and also enough to keep them guessing.


The two main characters have been paired together by there teacher as he is sick of them arguing in class and to teach them to get on, he makes them work together in a project. This idea is relatable to people as we have all had someone we don't get on with and had to deal with. The girl suggest that they should make cakes for the charity event in school. The boy is not happy with the idea as he believes it is girly and doesn’t want to. There is also a person that is scared to do things because of social influences and what people will think. The teacher agrees with the girl that they should make cakes. In the begging the two can not get along at all and fight over everything from what side, what bowl ect ect.This allows us to create some comedy within in the film as we can make there fights entertaining with food fights. As time goes on and they spend more time together they begin to talk and share things with each other and develop feelings for one another with out releasing. This part of the story is to show that feelings can change between people and how they act. It also shows romance which attracts are target audience.

Story Board

The casting for our trailer is simple as we only need a few main characters.... We need one male lead who is the potential love interest and one female lead who will be baking cakes.

The male lead need to fit a certain criteria:

  • Look quite manly, even thought he will be baking cakes he needs to have an attractive side as she falls for him
  • Muscular to fit the male stereotype of a good looking male
  • Even though he can be manly he needs to have a sensitive side as he is baking cakes
The woman lead needs to fit a certain criteria:
  • She needs to look womanly and independent as she is trying to make it on her own
  • She has to have passion for something as her passion for cake making is huge
We may need some extra in the background etc for the cake off as it will look more authentic in the trailer. Also in a real trailer there wouldn't just be two characters.
Here it shows our story board been hand drawn representing the characters who are going to be in our film trailer!

The two main characters have been paired together by there teacher as he is sick of them arguing in class and to teach them to get on, he makes them work together in a project. This idea is relatable to people as we have all had someone we don't get on with and had to deal with. The girl suggest that they should make cakes for the charity event in school. The boy is not happy with the idea as he believes it is girly and doesn’t want to. There is also a person that is scared to do things because of social influences and what people will think. The teacher agrees with the girl that they should make cakes. In the begging the two can not get along at all and fight over everything from what side, what bowl etc.This allows us to create some comedy within in the film as we can make there fights entertaining with food fights. As time goes on and they spend more time together they begin to talk and share things with each other and develop feelings for one another with out releasing. This part of the story is to show that feelings can change between people and how they act. It also shows romance which attracts are target audience.

Story Board on PhotoPeach

Logo Production Design

When creating our logo we looked at what worked well in existing film production logos and from what worked well in these logos we tried to incorporate these ideas into our logo. We didn't want it to be too busy so we wanted to keep it simple as it would be more likely that people would remember and recognize it. We wanted the name of our film company clear to see with a picture or symbol related to media, film or entertainment to go with it. We wanted it to be interesting and eye catching but not too much going on to confuse or distract the audience. The main attributes we wanted our logo to have were to be simple, smart and professional looking I think we achieved this. The logos below are the designs we came up with:
Try our slideshow creator at Animoto.

Here it shows a couple of experiments of the logo's that we made for our production name DJHA.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Evaluation on Thunderstruck


After remaking an existing trailer we can finally understand how much effort, time and hard work is put into it. We didn't really plan this as we went into it just trying to recreate what we had previously seen in the existing trailer. We knew the characters we wanted to use as it is a basketball film and a member of our group plays basketball so we could use him and we asked another basketball player if he would mind playing. 

What went well: 

We thought what we actually filmed on the day was a fair amount we had sorted our the type of shots we wanted and how we wanted them shot. We knew we needed some shot of each character performing well and the performing badly. We knew the location we were going to use and as it was only a remake one we decided to film in school to keep things simple and saved us hiring out the cameras and tripods.

Even better if: 

It would of been even better if we could of had extra characters and extras so we could of had people in the audience to make it look authentic. If we had a better location instead of the school gym, it could of made it look more professional. Maybe if we had drawn out a storyboard for the remake of the trailer, it could of made it easier to film and plan the shots we needed and how we needed to shoot them. 

Thursday 8 November 2012

Dairy: Thursday 08th November 2012

Today, it took a while finishing the in-depth analysis but here is the final outcome of my analysis of The Hangover 2. Thanks to the the useful website: Prezi which has helped massivily to present my work in another way which I was lacking on my blog recently. Now I can focus on the project first-hand, and improve on my work to get the best out of my ability and help my group on our current project we are working on.

In-depth analysis on trailer:The Hangover 2

Thursday 1 November 2012

Certificate rating

Production Logo

Limitation on audience

The type of trailer we are making creates limitation on who will come and view it also. We don't just magically expect the public to want to see it we have to make that happen. Its restricted that males probably don't like cooking film that includes romance, so unless you go and see it with a loved one its unlikely that we will get a large amount of males viewing it. We know that males won't go and see a film with this category and it won't be to their likings because it's mainly attracted to females or couples that prefer watching cooking shows.

The fact that also our film is British, its hard for British films to make it into the box office as we dont have as good reputation compared to American films. We need to make our trailer appeal so a global audience and not just limit it to a british audience. Nevertheless, it can be produced straight to a DVD format as it can sell quicker than producing this film to a box office as the filming industry is a competitive market with good and better films being produced and coming out are high standards compared to a cooking film. But never doubt anything can happen!
Look at Think Like A Man film it produced $60.9million and it's the same genre as our film romance and comedy. Friends With Benefits grossing worldwide $149.5million. A remarkable achievement in the genre and this is the battle we have to face in romantic and comedy genre as it is well ahead and we need to make this work, but the fact is that we know it cannot achieve these high standards, as we don't have financial backing, we have to graft it out and use our own creative skills in making this film a good standard.

Audience Research

From interviewing people roughly our target audience age, i asked them why they would go and see certain films and what attracts them to the trailer and which aspects appeal to them and which ones don't.

Males aged over 25 tend to have interest in action packed films such as James Bond and ones which involve fast cars. Males ages under 25 have similar interest but relate more to sports films which involve football for example or action as well and also fantasy.

Looking at what females are often interested in, females over the age of 25 tend to like Romantic comedies with a stereo type 'good looking' male lead that they can find attractive. Females under the age of 25 tend to also like romantic films with a younger male lead who they can have a 'crush' on.

I interviewed a range of people asking them what their favorite trailer was and why? What attracts you to a trailer and whether music and sound where a big part in you going on to later view the film?

The answers ranged her are a few of them;

Savannah: Her favorite trailer was Hunger games because it makes her want to go see the film, it looks interesting and shows you parts that make you want to see more. She likes action packed films and says if the music and sound is bad it makes the film look boring and she wouldn't go and see it.

Millie: Her favorite trailer is Easy A and one of the reasons why she liked it so much was because of the music in it, also the actors in it as she loves Emma Stone, She thinks music and sound is very important in a trailer and it gives you an idea of what type of film its going to be, for example if the music is upbeat then the film will be upbeat.

Jordan: His favorite trailer is Inception This is because he likes gripping music and suspense, he likes the cliff hangers in the trailer and he agrees music is a huge part to why a trailer.

Ollie: Ollie's favorite trailer is The Hobbit, he loves Lord Of The Rings, he would go see a film if the trailer was exciting and if he liked what the film was about, the music for him has to be dramatic for him to go and see it.

From these answers 2 from girls and 2 from boys shows a correlation in what type of films they like and it fits a certain stereotype but we have to take into consideration that it doesn't apply to everyone. By interviewing a certain amount of people limits our findings as we would need to take a general

Problems to the remake of thunderstruck

Instantly, we acknowledged this is going to be a tough task in remaking the film as we needed actors to participate in our film trailer that needs to be agreed and the days that they are free to make this film trailer work and start filming this recreation of the trailer. However, after we got a date and actors that are ready to participate in the trailer. We know need a location that needs to be settled and free for us to use. After agreeing with the teacher, we got the location being the basketball court arena in our school. The filming happened on a wednesday 3rd october 2012, which we had difficulty to getting use to the camera and the tripod to make the camera steady. After a rusty moments getting use to small camera we started filming. However, they rusty moments in filming the recreation of 'Thunderstruck' is that some footage may be unsteady due to the tripod and handling of the camera which we need to take consideration in our official trailer that will have to be improved and accurate to our knowledge of the equipment we will be using to the footage of the film.

During the editing stage we developed our understanding on the cutting and making the trailer come together, using copyright sounds and using the software 'Livetext' to type the words of the film on the inspiratons and when the film is going to be released. We then adjusted the text length of the size, colour and effects of the words that are going to be in the film trailer and adding the effects of the text on the theme of the trailer 'Thunderstruck'

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Target Audience Research

Our Target audience is based upon a young audience: mainly females: who would be attached to the film trailer because the foundation of the trailer is carried out by the love interest of a male that wants to get closer and achieve his goals in getting this girl without fail, but has to encounter a challenge for any male: but to follow the lead of a girl he loves by doing her ambition: which is baking and entering a cake competition. This is our plot for the trailer: that we hope will attract young females into watching this film. Although if I contrast other age groups that are in the same genre as us, being romance and comedy. it will deliver a wider and bigger understanding of which age group are trailer is at.

Here I researched Think Like A Man target audience which has the same genre as our trailer romance and comedy. I researched the target audience to identify and see what gender and age this film had affect on their audience by using a most common website to get this information from IMDb.

10705 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 5.9 / 10
Demographic breakdowns are shown below.
Votes Percentage Rating
2623 24.5%10
916 8.6%9
1494 14.0%8
1794 16.8%7
1442 13.5%6
801 7.5%5
368 3.4%4
205 1.9%3
194 1.8%2
868 8.1%1
Arithmetic mean = 7.0.  Median = 7
This page is updated daily.

See user ratings report for:
Males 4394 5.4
Females 2621 6.8
Aged under 18 260 6.7
Males under 18 108 5.6
Females under 18 152 7.9
Aged 18-29 4348 5.9
Males Aged 18-29 2690 5.5
Females Aged 18-29 1658 6.7
Aged 30-44 1933 5.5
Males Aged 30-44 1298 5.2
Females Aged 30-44 635 6.8
Aged 45+ 432 5.4
Males Aged 45+ 279 5.1
Females Aged 45+ 153 6.4
Top 1000 voters 78 4.0
US users 3413 6.0
Non-US users 3602 5.5
IMDb users 10705 5.9

As you can this film has grown and grown into a young audience lives which being females under 18 that have got an average of 7.9. This audience has been attached with this film as you can see on the data shown above: indicating a fascination for this film being a major hit to the filming industry. Although I'd see from my perspective is that this film encouraged and been made for this particular audience due to the characters in the film that were based upon their recent jobs: comedians being in the film like Kevin Hart and musicians such as Keri Hilson and Chris Brown all attracted interest in the film that bought a wider audience for this film as they already had a fan base which bought people to watch the film and make it a big hit in america with an overall cost of $60.9 million from the film. Which is a brilliant recognition of a romantic and comedy film to the industry.  

Friday 19 October 2012


The Props we are going to use for our trailer will be basic kitchen utilities such as; bowls, mixers, spoon, whisks, measuring jugs and proper scales etc... these features of the equipment are vital for baking a cake that we have to buy the equipment for the process of the competition can be taken place in the trailer

Spoon, whisks and pans for the procedure to bake a cake.

Cup cakes holders, wooden spoons and oven gloves 

Ingredients for the baking of the cakes 
Nevertheless, the important props are the ingredients for the baking, such as: eggs, flour and icing etc... these are to make the cakes at the preferred location, that being the food technology in our school, to film the trailer. We want the trailer to be high standards and professional, so we have to make it realistic as possible for the trailer by having these equipments and  ingredients for our production for the trailer.  



The casting for our trailer is simplistic with a few characters having a lead in the the film. Firstly, male who has a potential love interest whilst he takes part in the cake competition with the girl in his dream who will be baking the cake.

There are certain criteria that this male its are category in this trailer:

1) He has to look manly, built and muscular, as he has to have an attractive side so she falls in love with him.
2) A sensitive and passionate side to him whilst he is baking the cakes. 

3) Stereotype of a good looking male who is willing to work for the girl he loves. 

There are certain criteria that this Female its are category in this trailer:

1) Needs to look good and attractive to the male, but independent on her own work, not having no interest of the male but considers she is helping someone bake a cake.

2) She is passionate and loves baking cakes. 

There is a side to every story, and we need to build a constructive background that is authentic and upbringing to make the scene as joyful and charismatic as possible.




Tuesday 2 October 2012


The main location we will use for filming will be the food technology room in school this is the most authentic way of filming what we want. Our film trailer is about a cooking competition taking place, in a school premises: this is a most realistic place to shoot it. We first needed to ask permission to use this room in school as it is not being used at the moment but once we got approval, it was fine to use.

Professional Kitchen in the School, this is our current location where the cake competition is going to take place.
Original Kitchen in a household

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Brain Storm

This is brain storming the ideas of the cake trailer, on the contribution of what a trailer should include. This encouraged us to build ideas and include the ones we needed for our trailer for example the genre we listed several ideas on what our trailer we want to create.

Remake of a Trailer: Thunderstruck

The part we are going to remake is the change of the abilities of the 2 basketball players. One in the trailer 'Kevin Durant' is a NBA basketball player who has got all the natural ability on being the best. However, the players change their abilities with one player being good and the NBA player losing his natural ability.

We want to build upon this trailer, and make it into our unique version of this film trailer: by editing our video from the camera, and adding the same features that are in this trailer for example 'One Wish'  In bold yellow and blue colours with effects of the words in the trailer to make it different but in our ability to make original with a twist.

However, the difficulty of this trailer, is that the Mise En Scene is at a basketball court but it has a packed crowed which we may not have due to the time length we have to make and edit the film trailer.

Mood Board

This is our representation of the trailer of cakes, with food orientated being bright, sweet and full of color. Which sticks to the mind of the pictures being used.

100 Word Synopsis

Piece of Cake

The two leading roles are competing for a cake competition, the final is coming up and they need to make their cake the best. There is a hiccup along the way as they start falling for each other but they are meant to enemies. They end up helping each other and the final doesn’t go to plan but who will win, or will they share the prize of having their own cake shop. The big day is here and tension is at its highest will they put their feelings first or the prize, with tears, passion and some hard work, what will happen? 

Thursday 20 September 2012

Planner for practice trailer of the remake of Thunderstruck

"Dan is a professional basketball player with elliot hedge-porter a novice player trying to get better at basketball, so elliot wishes he has Daniel's powers and while this is being said, they both touching the ball and that's when everything starts to change. The Professional basketball players becomes rubbish as he misses several shots and Elliot Hedge-Porter becomes a great player, taking the ability and skills from Dan"

Editing process...

Actors starring in the remake trailer

Elliot Hedge-Porter
Daniel Alaka

Taylor Gray
Kevin Durant

Wednesday 19 September 2012

One sentence pitch

Source: Xtranormal

We used Xtranormal website for our one sentence pitch to illustrate and show it in a animation on what are pitch is going to be like. The pitch is:

You have to break a few eggs for a perfect cake, Now she has all the right ingredients for true love.

Tuesday 18 September 2012


Inspiration on the candy and cakes used in a music trailer, to know how the cakes are represented to the audience.

Charlie and Chocolate factory: Representation of cakes, on the camera use to know if it's a close up shot or a rule of third shots. The usage of Mise En Scene used in this video as it's full of props to get an example of what they use in the shot so we can identify these stages and use it in our "It's a piece of cake" trailer

I've used a music and a film trailer to see the difference in the usage of the camera angles and to know how it's all represented in a place of a camera shot.  The placement of cakes and sweets is directly used and pointed at the camera to approach the audience eyes on the tender, loving, care of cakes. The usage of how much fun and enjoyment they have in the music and film video. In addition the colours that brings atention to itself, giving the sweets and cakes it's own character. This is what we need in our trailer about cakes, giving the cakes a bit of character and fun upon this trailer to signify and connotates the symbol of romance in the trailer.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Representation of Cakes

Wordle: Cakes

Source: Wordle

We created this list of words that are imaginative and symbolic to the theme of the trailer, on being about cakes. The cake is broken down to add the simplistic of the words and what we think about the cakes that we like about it as it's going to be a major influence in our trailer.

Wordle: representation of cakes

Friday 7 September 2012

What is a Film Trailer?

A film trailer is a short promotional advert for an upcoming film. The trailer for a film must encourage us to want to see a film and should give us a real taste of what the film is like.

Film Trailers: Contrast and Differences


The five film trailers that I have analyzed have their differences in genre to the length of the trailer. Each trailer has its own unique point to a film; by its characters or costume used in the trailer that we all recognize as it is iconic to the audience eyes for example,  the trailer ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ has it’s iconic figure of batman character and costume that the audience can understand too, laying an interest to the film.  Ice age has its group of friends like Sid, Manny and Diego that are iconic to their own film. Whilst Taken 2 iconic point of view is the character Bryan Mills trying to rescue his family. Think Like A Man already has it’s recognised characters from the spot light of comedians (Kevin Hart) or from an Musical Artist (Chris Brown or Keri Hilson) this will have an extended audience from their current jobs to the film showing and gaining more interests to the film. Lastly, Ted is a talking teddy bear that a child wished for comes to life. Is an animated character that has a freedom of life that he exploits in the film doing crazy things, but the comparison to the film Think Like A Man is that both contains the same genre, Comedy. However, the similarities could be said to The Dark Knight Rises and Taken 2 that both contain the genre: action and thriller. Nevertheless, Ice age; continental drift, is animated that has the similarities of Ted. 

Trailers on PhotoPeach

Film Trailer: Ice Age Continental Drift

Ice Age: Continental Drift Poster

Film Trailer: Ice Age Continental Drift

Ice Age: Continental Drift

The length of the trailer is 2m 27s with snippets of comedy. As this film is an animation aimed at a family audience because of the sketch of characters focused on animals that a family: especially the kids can respond too as it is easy to understand and entertain the audience from the shapes to the colors of the characters. In addition, the genre of the film being an animated comedy.

The narration is about Manny, Diego and Sid go on a greatest adventure that has been triggered by continental drift; the earth shattering causes mayhem. On their adventure, the trailer consists of Sid being reunited by his family and the gang encounters new characters on trying to stop them from returning home.

The transition of the text appearing in the trailer is a quick, snappy and direct to the point, influencing straightly to the their target audience. which flows nicely with the background 'Score' music being energetic and quick.

Editing: The editing of Ice age trailer is at a steady pace, with the verge of ellipsis been taken place to include an opening of the characters. Therefore: the action of the land breaking up and concluding the name of the film: Continental Drift being part of the trailer, adding geographical features in an animated film, this could be linked to Mise-En-Scene of the setting of the location being established earlier in the trailer.

Sound: A narrator speaking about the storyline of the film, which a statement he says 'We Keep it together' which evolves around the pack of Manny, Diego and Sid working together as a family. This gives us an indication of happy families: metaphorically being animals. Which states it being a family audience were children can laugh and enjoy the film.  In ways we here diegetic sounds coming from the frame: where it's personifies on animals talking to each other, so they have a voice that adds humour and action to the film.

Film Trailer: Think Like A Man

Think Like A Man Poster

Film Trailer: Think Like A Man

Think Like A Man

The length of the trailer is 2m 43s that shows a significant of comedy and romance that evolves in the genre, due to the characters that are based around a comedy background or the characters are from a showbiz lifestyle that makes this film funny and over dramatic that is shown by the name of the film ‘Think Like A Man’

The narration is about four friends conspire to turn the tables on their women when they discover the ladies have been using Steve Harvey’s relationship advice against them, so the ladies can understand  more about the men lifestyle and the way that they work around their own woman.  With the trailer over-looking on the establish characters in the film, for example in the basketball court, shows a group of friends that are bunch together, showing that they are the main characters. Which gives the audience, an insight on how good the film is by the trailer and what characters are being played in the film.

The narrator speaks for a short time in the trailer, with mostly the main establish characters being in the frame-talking. However, the wipe transition of the slides changing from one side to another side, tells the audience a story from the 2m clip on what the audience might see in the film. With the characters being over dramatic and extravagant.

Editing: Firstly, a shot and reverse shot of Kevin Hart in a basketball court talking to his mates, but argueing in this case, to a tall black basketball player, an eye line match of two characters talking to each other. But Kevin Hart is being too cockey and extravagant, which represents his character in the film. However, it can be based upon gender, whilst mostly males are strong and built up to play sports mainly. instantly a stereotype of black culture desire on playing basketball in which we have here. Nevertheless, a height difference of black basketball player being tall and strong in opposite side a small kevin hart being cockey and ridiculous.  During the scene, we come upon a crosscutting scene where it's interweaving of two or more seperate scenes, this gives clues on what the audience might see, not giving too much away or too little. it's a balance of both mixture of editing.