Thursday 1 November 2012

Audience Research

From interviewing people roughly our target audience age, i asked them why they would go and see certain films and what attracts them to the trailer and which aspects appeal to them and which ones don't.

Males aged over 25 tend to have interest in action packed films such as James Bond and ones which involve fast cars. Males ages under 25 have similar interest but relate more to sports films which involve football for example or action as well and also fantasy.

Looking at what females are often interested in, females over the age of 25 tend to like Romantic comedies with a stereo type 'good looking' male lead that they can find attractive. Females under the age of 25 tend to also like romantic films with a younger male lead who they can have a 'crush' on.

I interviewed a range of people asking them what their favorite trailer was and why? What attracts you to a trailer and whether music and sound where a big part in you going on to later view the film?

The answers ranged her are a few of them;

Savannah: Her favorite trailer was Hunger games because it makes her want to go see the film, it looks interesting and shows you parts that make you want to see more. She likes action packed films and says if the music and sound is bad it makes the film look boring and she wouldn't go and see it.

Millie: Her favorite trailer is Easy A and one of the reasons why she liked it so much was because of the music in it, also the actors in it as she loves Emma Stone, She thinks music and sound is very important in a trailer and it gives you an idea of what type of film its going to be, for example if the music is upbeat then the film will be upbeat.

Jordan: His favorite trailer is Inception This is because he likes gripping music and suspense, he likes the cliff hangers in the trailer and he agrees music is a huge part to why a trailer.

Ollie: Ollie's favorite trailer is The Hobbit, he loves Lord Of The Rings, he would go see a film if the trailer was exciting and if he liked what the film was about, the music for him has to be dramatic for him to go and see it.

From these answers 2 from girls and 2 from boys shows a correlation in what type of films they like and it fits a certain stereotype but we have to take into consideration that it doesn't apply to everyone. By interviewing a certain amount of people limits our findings as we would need to take a general

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