Tuesday 27 November 2012

Evaluation on Thunderstruck


After remaking an existing trailer we can finally understand how much effort, time and hard work is put into it. We didn't really plan this as we went into it just trying to recreate what we had previously seen in the existing trailer. We knew the characters we wanted to use as it is a basketball film and a member of our group plays basketball so we could use him and we asked another basketball player if he would mind playing. 

What went well: 

We thought what we actually filmed on the day was a fair amount we had sorted our the type of shots we wanted and how we wanted them shot. We knew we needed some shot of each character performing well and the performing badly. We knew the location we were going to use and as it was only a remake one we decided to film in school to keep things simple and saved us hiring out the cameras and tripods.

Even better if: 

It would of been even better if we could of had extra characters and extras so we could of had people in the audience to make it look authentic. If we had a better location instead of the school gym, it could of made it look more professional. Maybe if we had drawn out a storyboard for the remake of the trailer, it could of made it easier to film and plan the shots we needed and how we needed to shoot them. 

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