Thursday 1 November 2012

Problems to the remake of thunderstruck

Instantly, we acknowledged this is going to be a tough task in remaking the film as we needed actors to participate in our film trailer that needs to be agreed and the days that they are free to make this film trailer work and start filming this recreation of the trailer. However, after we got a date and actors that are ready to participate in the trailer. We know need a location that needs to be settled and free for us to use. After agreeing with the teacher, we got the location being the basketball court arena in our school. The filming happened on a wednesday 3rd october 2012, which we had difficulty to getting use to the camera and the tripod to make the camera steady. After a rusty moments getting use to small camera we started filming. However, they rusty moments in filming the recreation of 'Thunderstruck' is that some footage may be unsteady due to the tripod and handling of the camera which we need to take consideration in our official trailer that will have to be improved and accurate to our knowledge of the equipment we will be using to the footage of the film.

During the editing stage we developed our understanding on the cutting and making the trailer come together, using copyright sounds and using the software 'Livetext' to type the words of the film on the inspiratons and when the film is going to be released. We then adjusted the text length of the size, colour and effects of the words that are going to be in the film trailer and adding the effects of the text on the theme of the trailer 'Thunderstruck'

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