Friday 7 September 2012

Film Trailer: Think Like A Man

Think Like A Man Poster

Film Trailer: Think Like A Man

Think Like A Man

The length of the trailer is 2m 43s that shows a significant of comedy and romance that evolves in the genre, due to the characters that are based around a comedy background or the characters are from a showbiz lifestyle that makes this film funny and over dramatic that is shown by the name of the film ‘Think Like A Man’

The narration is about four friends conspire to turn the tables on their women when they discover the ladies have been using Steve Harvey’s relationship advice against them, so the ladies can understand  more about the men lifestyle and the way that they work around their own woman.  With the trailer over-looking on the establish characters in the film, for example in the basketball court, shows a group of friends that are bunch together, showing that they are the main characters. Which gives the audience, an insight on how good the film is by the trailer and what characters are being played in the film.

The narrator speaks for a short time in the trailer, with mostly the main establish characters being in the frame-talking. However, the wipe transition of the slides changing from one side to another side, tells the audience a story from the 2m clip on what the audience might see in the film. With the characters being over dramatic and extravagant.

Editing: Firstly, a shot and reverse shot of Kevin Hart in a basketball court talking to his mates, but argueing in this case, to a tall black basketball player, an eye line match of two characters talking to each other. But Kevin Hart is being too cockey and extravagant, which represents his character in the film. However, it can be based upon gender, whilst mostly males are strong and built up to play sports mainly. instantly a stereotype of black culture desire on playing basketball in which we have here. Nevertheless, a height difference of black basketball player being tall and strong in opposite side a small kevin hart being cockey and ridiculous.  During the scene, we come upon a crosscutting scene where it's interweaving of two or more seperate scenes, this gives clues on what the audience might see, not giving too much away or too little. it's a balance of both mixture of editing.

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