Friday 7 December 2012


The two main characters have been paired together by there teacher as he is sick of them arguing in class and to teach them to get on, he makes them work together in a project. This idea is relatable to people as we have all had someone we don't get on with and had to deal with. The girl suggest that they should make cakes for the charity event in school. The boy is not happy with the idea as he believes it is girly and doesn’t want to. There is also a person that is scared to do things because of social influences and what people will think. The teacher agrees with the girl that they should make cakes. In the begging the two can not get along at all and fight over everything from what side, what bowl ect ect.This allows us to create some comedy within in the film as we can make there fights entertaining with food fights. As time goes on and they spend more time together they begin to talk and share things with each other and develop feelings for one another with out releasing. This part of the story is to show that feelings can change between people and how they act. It also shows romance which attracts are target audience.

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