Friday 21 December 2012

The Script

(Hannah and Annie sitting in the coffee shop)
Hannah: what’s going on with you and jack?
Annie: he just ended it with me
Hannah: Why?
Annie: I don’t know he hasn’t said
Hannah: Are you upset?
Annie; A little bit like I thought it was going well but obviously not
Hannah: right ready to go?
Annie: yeah
(Hannah and Annie begin to leave)
Hannah: okay, you never know someone else might come along
(Kieran and Annie bump into each other)
Kieran: ohh sorry
Annie: it’s alright
(Kieran meets up with juber at the coffee shop)
Juber: you alright mate how’s it going?
(Kieran looks at annie walking away)
Kieran; yeah, yeah are you alright?
Juber: what’s wrong?
Kieran: nothing, umm did you see that girl?
Juber: yeah, she was alright
Kieran: she looked nice didn’t she?
Juber yeah, go for it
Kieran: yeah
(Cooking class scene)
(Annie entering class)
Annie: That’s it I’m done with him now, um I've got to go because of my cooking class thanks for the coffee bye
(Kieran entering class)
Kieran: yeah I really think I liked her but I guess ill never get to see her again, look I’m at cooking class at the moment I’ll call you back.
(Kieran walks up to Annie)
Kieran: Excuse me do you have any… (pauses)
(Annie interrupts)
Annie: cupcake cases?
(Annie creates mixture)
(Kieran puts the cake in the oven)
(Annie and Kieran take the cake out of the oven together)

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