Thursday 28 March 2013

Evaluation Question 4

4.How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

As a group we tried to use as many different programmes as possible to create new layouts, we used them to pre-set our work and portray it to look as professional as possible we did this by using numerous new media technologies.

Slide rocket was a programme we used to make ,mini slides to present our information and upload it to the blog, we used to in our certificate rating post, it was also used it to present our logo research.

Youtube is a website that was used a lot on our blog as any clips we needed for our trailer research we got off youtube and any small snippets of video we needed it was so easy to find on her.

Xtranormal was a good site as it allowed us to use animation to present and illustrate a feel and creating a ruff idea of a character for our one sentence pitch, creating a feel for a film instead of just text.

This programme allowed us to create an image of lots of words jumbled together that had some sort of connection to the film. Such as, sprinkles, icing etc, words to do with cakes. This is like a mood board of words in different fonts.colours and sizing making it stand out as much as possible. It helped us to plan and come up with new innovated ideas to do with our trailer.

We used this programme to show the location of our film and image on the sets in a clean set out and makes its a lot easier for the audience to see the sets for our trailer.

We created a mini animation to show the ideas of the logos we had created to see what one would capture our more to the audience and the movie industry. This helped with our logo being DJHA.

Prezi was a media we used to show how other trailers had worked in the past in capturing an audience making them want to see the film. This made it easer to talk about scene as we could write notes under images of the scene we were talking about focussing on the point we were making and making it easier to follow

We used Blogger to upload our work onto our blogs on a regular basis to keep up-to-date with tasks with the project. This helped us to format and present our work clearly so the work is displayed and the use of other presentational software were implemented onto our blog.

We used Slideshare as it was another presentational software that enabled to put PDF files for example Microsoft Word onto our blogs.


Photopeach allowed us to show are images of filming and equipment in a different way then just posting images, This also allowed us to use smart phones making it more convent as we all had one and could capture images at any moment instead of using a camera.

We used Apple Mac computers for majority of the project, that provided the software and programs for Final Cut Pro and Live Text for the editing of the footage of the trailer. 

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