Wednesday 27 March 2013

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combinations of your main product and ancillary tasks?

 As a group we know that our main task could of been improved, but with issues in a group and attendance and illness we did as best with could within the situation. As much as the trailer is limited with some aspects of a high standard, That put together with all the other work we have done such as the magazine and the poster we think it is very effective. the poster and magazine front cover are eye catching and give the audience some idea of what the film is going to be about. the colours we used are simple and bright to give the impression of an easy to watch and funny film. You can tell by the way each of them are designed what the genre of the film will be. Promotions of fils are very important and depending on how a film is promoted will depend largely on the ratings it gets on the cinema, we took this into consideration when designing our magazine and poster. An eye catching, colourful poster will make it more likely that someone will see it and then go and watch the film. Our poster therefore has potential to be distributed in different locations such as bus stops, train stations and TV.

However by giving a little away to the audience  by a poster or a magazine is meant to slightly tease them. The information posters and magazine normally portray is, date of release, actors, title, and a picture. The picture and title will slightly give away the genre of the film which is good as the audience knows roughly what it will be about if they went to see it. Another important attribute is font and text, the way the title is displayed is very important to the reader, you can get many different fonts online which can represent how you want the audience to feel when they read it.

For example this font remind you of a cake frosting and this would suggest to you that the film may be to do with cakes or desserts. 

This font reminds you more of blood and horror as the writing is like dripping down as blood would do if someone has been killed.

This font is fun, quirky and child like and may remind you of reading comics as a child and it quite light hearted.

All these aspects we took into consideration when we were making our posters and magazine, every detail counts and has an effect on the audience.

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