Monday 18 March 2013

Creating A Poster Idea

I created this poster idea via Adobe Photoshop Elements 9, I found it fairly easy and quick to design.
I firstly needed to find a background that ties in with the theme of our trailer. I found this by searching for silhouette backgrounds on Google Images. the reason I chose to search for silhouette backgrounds is simply because the people in the image do not have to look like our main characters. I chose the image above because it is romantic and it fits in with the theme of our trailer.

After finding my image I then imported it into Photoshop and added the title Piece of Cake and also added the words Coming Soon to make it obvious that it is a poster.

This is the final image of the poster idea, it is simple but I believe this is not necessarily a bad thing because most films make their posters in the same way.

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