Thursday 28 March 2013

Evaluation Question 4

4.How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

As a group we tried to use as many different programmes as possible to create new layouts, we used them to pre-set our work and portray it to look as professional as possible we did this by using numerous new media technologies.

Slide rocket was a programme we used to make ,mini slides to present our information and upload it to the blog, we used to in our certificate rating post, it was also used it to present our logo research.

Youtube is a website that was used a lot on our blog as any clips we needed for our trailer research we got off youtube and any small snippets of video we needed it was so easy to find on her.

Xtranormal was a good site as it allowed us to use animation to present and illustrate a feel and creating a ruff idea of a character for our one sentence pitch, creating a feel for a film instead of just text.

This programme allowed us to create an image of lots of words jumbled together that had some sort of connection to the film. Such as, sprinkles, icing etc, words to do with cakes. This is like a mood board of words in different fonts.colours and sizing making it stand out as much as possible. It helped us to plan and come up with new innovated ideas to do with our trailer.

We used this programme to show the location of our film and image on the sets in a clean set out and makes its a lot easier for the audience to see the sets for our trailer.

We created a mini animation to show the ideas of the logos we had created to see what one would capture our more to the audience and the movie industry. This helped with our logo being DJHA.

Prezi was a media we used to show how other trailers had worked in the past in capturing an audience making them want to see the film. This made it easer to talk about scene as we could write notes under images of the scene we were talking about focussing on the point we were making and making it easier to follow

We used Blogger to upload our work onto our blogs on a regular basis to keep up-to-date with tasks with the project. This helped us to format and present our work clearly so the work is displayed and the use of other presentational software were implemented onto our blog.

We used Slideshare as it was another presentational software that enabled to put PDF files for example Microsoft Word onto our blogs.


Photopeach allowed us to show are images of filming and equipment in a different way then just posting images, This also allowed us to use smart phones making it more convent as we all had one and could capture images at any moment instead of using a camera.

We used Apple Mac computers for majority of the project, that provided the software and programs for Final Cut Pro and Live Text for the editing of the footage of the trailer. 

Evaluation Question 3

This video is a combination of interviews of students from Ravens Wood School, it is a response to our A2 Film Trailer Piece of Cake. The majority of the feedback was positive, the people interviewed commended us on our choice of music and also our character titles and magazine quotations saying that they were professional and that we 'thought outside the box'. on the fim side of this there was also a bit of negative feedback which was very helpful for us because if we were to remake the trailer we would know what to improve on. overall all of the interviews were helpful as it helped us see our trailer from an audience point of view

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combinations of your main product and ancillary tasks?

 As a group we know that our main task could of been improved, but with issues in a group and attendance and illness we did as best with could within the situation. As much as the trailer is limited with some aspects of a high standard, That put together with all the other work we have done such as the magazine and the poster we think it is very effective. the poster and magazine front cover are eye catching and give the audience some idea of what the film is going to be about. the colours we used are simple and bright to give the impression of an easy to watch and funny film. You can tell by the way each of them are designed what the genre of the film will be. Promotions of fils are very important and depending on how a film is promoted will depend largely on the ratings it gets on the cinema, we took this into consideration when designing our magazine and poster. An eye catching, colourful poster will make it more likely that someone will see it and then go and watch the film. Our poster therefore has potential to be distributed in different locations such as bus stops, train stations and TV.

However by giving a little away to the audience  by a poster or a magazine is meant to slightly tease them. The information posters and magazine normally portray is, date of release, actors, title, and a picture. The picture and title will slightly give away the genre of the film which is good as the audience knows roughly what it will be about if they went to see it. Another important attribute is font and text, the way the title is displayed is very important to the reader, you can get many different fonts online which can represent how you want the audience to feel when they read it.

For example this font remind you of a cake frosting and this would suggest to you that the film may be to do with cakes or desserts. 

This font reminds you more of blood and horror as the writing is like dripping down as blood would do if someone has been killed.

This font is fun, quirky and child like and may remind you of reading comics as a child and it quite light hearted.

All these aspects we took into consideration when we were making our posters and magazine, every detail counts and has an effect on the audience.

Evaluation Question 1

Monday 18 March 2013

Magazine Cover

Font for the final trailer

'Piece of Cake

MC SWEETIE HEARTS is the font we used for the trailer 'Piece of Cake'

We used these font for the final trailer as it has a profound look and style of the romance that our trailer is looking for the title of the trailer. The love hearts and the curls of the letters prevails an ideal symbol that it connotes to love and togetherness.

Final Soundtrack

Amanda Kaletsky - Say you Believe
Amanda Kaletsky “Amanda Kaletsky has the voice of a pop star, but the soul of a singer/songwriter. Her infectious [music] finds a middle ground between New York’s homey downtown clubs and the polish of Top 40 radio.” – Relix Magazine

Amanda recently released her third full-length album, “Without You,” and continues to perform at a variety of venues in the Northeast. She also sings the National Anthem regularly for the New York Islanders and at other professional sporting events.

When deciding what song to use we considered how close the song is to the attributes we desired for our soundtrack. these were:

  • A female singer
  • to be in the pop genre
  • to have some relation to love and relationship
  • for the artist to be unsigned
  • to have a 'chick flick' feel to it
  • to tell a story
  • to make the audience emotionally connected to the characters

This song ticked all of these boxes and as a group we agreed it was perfect for our trailer.

Creating Poster Ideas

I created this poster idea via Adobe Photoshop Elements 9, I found it fairly easy and quick to design.
I firstly needed to find a background that ties in with the theme of our trailer. I found this by searching for silhouette backgrounds on Google Images. the reason I chose to search for silhouette backgrounds is simply because the people in the image do not have to look like our main characters. I chose the image above because it is romantic and it fits in with the theme of our trailer.

Bake off Poster

This is one of our ideas of the posters that we aimed at on trying to promote the film trailer.

Film Title Options

These are different ideas for the title of our film, they were all created via

As you can see there is a large variety to choose from, now as a group we will decide which one best suits our film.

Creating A Poster Idea

I created this poster idea via Adobe Photoshop Elements 9, I found it fairly easy and quick to design.
I firstly needed to find a background that ties in with the theme of our trailer. I found this by searching for silhouette backgrounds on Google Images. the reason I chose to search for silhouette backgrounds is simply because the people in the image do not have to look like our main characters. I chose the image above because it is romantic and it fits in with the theme of our trailer.

After finding my image I then imported it into Photoshop and added the title Piece of Cake and also added the words Coming Soon to make it obvious that it is a poster.

This is the final image of the poster idea, it is simple but I believe this is not necessarily a bad thing because most films make their posters in the same way.

More Poster Ideas

Magazine Sketch

Monday 25 February 2013

Inspirations : Somebody up there

Somebody up there film trailer

We used this trailer as an inspiration to help put together the film trailer, from the Tribeca Film festival logo to adjusting the key information of the writing on when they should come into play with the trailer. Although we were looking at other trailers to help with our genre like Dear John and No reservation so we can undertsand what romantic films can help and guide us to make this trailer.

No reservation trailer similar to our trailer 'Piece of cake'

Features towards the trailer

Tribeca film festival is an independent film production company that created and were part of films like Insomina, Spiderman 3 and About a boy. This film production was founded in 2002 by Robert De Niro and Craig Hatkoff.

The following things all all features of film and specifically film trailers that we felt were important to include

List of production team names and roles

This is a feature that is seen in almost every Hollywood film and we felt adding it will give our trailer a more professional feel to it. I modelled our one on the trailer of Somebody Up There Likes Me

We also got this Tribeca Film animation from the trailer of Somebody Up there Likes Me

This is the animated background we used to present casting information and magazine quotes, we used an animated background to engage the audience so that they are not just reading text on a blank background. we felt adding this to our trailer added to the image of our trailer making it more aesthetically pleasing.

This animation motion video was used to put key information of cast, and the future events when the film was coming out. The video had helped to put trailer together and we thought that our purposes was that we needed something different and eye catching for the audience to still be engaged with the trailer.
However, we did have trouble putting this video up, as we needed other software to convert this video from You Tube. But the school blocked the conversion websites which meant that we needed to upload the video from home to bring it into school via USB.