Monday 4 February 2013

Magazine Research

I started magazine research to see how to promote are film best and how to attract to people to see it so I began to look at "Empire" but straight away noticed that it wasn't the right audience or gender off films. 

Realizing our film didn't fit with the same gender of films like blockbusters, and feel that it is more of an independent film and fits in more with the magazine 

"Sight and sound"

There is some similarities between the magazines that they both have there names printed so it is see easy to see and eye catching. And there front cover both focus on a film on the main actor /actors. The difference with these magazines is one is more focus on "hollywood and blockbusters" and sight and sound is more for independent films. Also we take into account about the colour scheme used as they're not bright and colourful. However, it proposes a dull and mystic grey and white colour that links to history and old fashion film probably. With not that many colour used in this magazine. 

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