Monday 25 February 2013

Inspirations : Somebody up there

Somebody up there film trailer

We used this trailer as an inspiration to help put together the film trailer, from the Tribeca Film festival logo to adjusting the key information of the writing on when they should come into play with the trailer. Although we were looking at other trailers to help with our genre like Dear John and No reservation so we can undertsand what romantic films can help and guide us to make this trailer.

No reservation trailer similar to our trailer 'Piece of cake'

Features towards the trailer

Tribeca film festival is an independent film production company that created and were part of films like Insomina, Spiderman 3 and About a boy. This film production was founded in 2002 by Robert De Niro and Craig Hatkoff.

The following things all all features of film and specifically film trailers that we felt were important to include

List of production team names and roles

This is a feature that is seen in almost every Hollywood film and we felt adding it will give our trailer a more professional feel to it. I modelled our one on the trailer of Somebody Up There Likes Me

We also got this Tribeca Film animation from the trailer of Somebody Up there Likes Me

This is the animated background we used to present casting information and magazine quotes, we used an animated background to engage the audience so that they are not just reading text on a blank background. we felt adding this to our trailer added to the image of our trailer making it more aesthetically pleasing.

This animation motion video was used to put key information of cast, and the future events when the film was coming out. The video had helped to put trailer together and we thought that our purposes was that we needed something different and eye catching for the audience to still be engaged with the trailer.
However, we did have trouble putting this video up, as we needed other software to convert this video from You Tube. But the school blocked the conversion websites which meant that we needed to upload the video from home to bring it into school via USB.

Final Trailer

Saturday 23 February 2013


How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?

We used various presentation software to create and make our work more unique and different as I didn't want my blog to be boring and dull. It needed something that's eye catching and meaningful to the implied readers so they see a presentation that took time and effort to make this hard work pay off!  The software I used was researching from the Internet to see other presentation methods for example Prezi, animato and sliderocket had helped to present my work to greatly as their are a far more diverse software I can use that I took for advantage. For this evaluation I'm aiming to create an e-book on the evaluation stages on the progress of the work we did on the film trailer. I will be uploading soon the first piece of the evaluation. To keep up-to-date and carrying on the hard work.

Monday 4 February 2013

Magazine Research

I started magazine research to see how to promote are film best and how to attract to people to see it so I began to look at "Empire" but straight away noticed that it wasn't the right audience or gender off films. 

Realizing our film didn't fit with the same gender of films like blockbusters, and feel that it is more of an independent film and fits in more with the magazine 

"Sight and sound"

There is some similarities between the magazines that they both have there names printed so it is see easy to see and eye catching. And there front cover both focus on a film on the main actor /actors. The difference with these magazines is one is more focus on "hollywood and blockbusters" and sight and sound is more for independent films. Also we take into account about the colour scheme used as they're not bright and colourful. However, it proposes a dull and mystic grey and white colour that links to history and old fashion film probably. With not that many colour used in this magazine.