Friday 21 December 2012

The Script

(Hannah and Annie sitting in the coffee shop)
Hannah: what’s going on with you and jack?
Annie: he just ended it with me
Hannah: Why?
Annie: I don’t know he hasn’t said
Hannah: Are you upset?
Annie; A little bit like I thought it was going well but obviously not
Hannah: right ready to go?
Annie: yeah
(Hannah and Annie begin to leave)
Hannah: okay, you never know someone else might come along
(Kieran and Annie bump into each other)
Kieran: ohh sorry
Annie: it’s alright
(Kieran meets up with juber at the coffee shop)
Juber: you alright mate how’s it going?
(Kieran looks at annie walking away)
Kieran; yeah, yeah are you alright?
Juber: what’s wrong?
Kieran: nothing, umm did you see that girl?
Juber: yeah, she was alright
Kieran: she looked nice didn’t she?
Juber yeah, go for it
Kieran: yeah
(Cooking class scene)
(Annie entering class)
Annie: That’s it I’m done with him now, um I've got to go because of my cooking class thanks for the coffee bye
(Kieran entering class)
Kieran: yeah I really think I liked her but I guess ill never get to see her again, look I’m at cooking class at the moment I’ll call you back.
(Kieran walks up to Annie)
Kieran: Excuse me do you have any… (pauses)
(Annie interrupts)
Annie: cupcake cases?
(Annie creates mixture)
(Kieran puts the cake in the oven)
(Annie and Kieran take the cake out of the oven together)

Letter sent and approved of the location to film

Thursday 20 December 2012

Filming our trailer

We had booked the cooking room before hand, for filming. This meant the room looked as authentic as possible, the room was full of ovens, sinks, fridges for our film. we brought in some of our own props as well from cup cake cases,bowels, spoons and an cake that we had bought so it would look professional . We did come across some problems from finding actors to act as there was a lot f exams going on at the time and people didn't have the time. some of the charters description changed slightly as we had to use actors that were free to film.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Location Settings

Location Recce (Photos)

Location Pictures on PhotoPeach

  Location Pictures on PhotoPeach

Here are some photos that I took from my smart phones to capture the images whilst we were filming the location recce of the Kitchen in our school. I took these photos to get the pictures on what equipment we were using to film the kitchen. Further to this it enabled us to know the equipment we were using that is going to be capable for future preferences for our trailer.
The equipment we used were:

  • Panasonic HD Camera
  • Dolly (Tracking Movement)
  • Camera Stand
These 3 key aspects in making filming or footage that we did to know and research about our location in our school.

Friday 7 December 2012

Up-to-date on blog

During research and development I've improved my blog and found websites like photo peaches, animato and prezi. The presentation software has developed my work in a dynamic and enthusiastic way.

Make up

During our research we discovered that the make up and costumes of similar films we can see what factors our film needs to have for it to be effective. The make up of the female character needs to be simple yet feminine.

The make up I'd say is not appropriate for our film and this tries to indicate that the characters is very girlie as she has used a lot of pale pinks and her blonde hair makes her look quite innocent. We want our character to have a different side to her, she needs to be tough, independent and strong this make up doesn't give that impression.

The costume we want to remain pretty simple for the female character as she does like to bake cakes and doesn't dress up too much but then you see her towards the end of the film and she has transformed she is in a dress and her make up and hair is done, which makes her character grow and you can see the difference from the cake baker and the real woman.
Looking at the make up and costumes of similar films we can see what factors our film needs to have for it to be effective. The make up of the female character needs to be simple yet feminine.

Make Up on PhotoPeach

Trailer Highlights

For our trailer we need to get the attention of the audience:
  • Clip of them fighting
  • Close up of the faces of the two characters when they are told they have to work together
  • Image of a cake
  • Camera in the room looking at the equipment
  • Characters laughing with each other throwing flower and eggs at each other
  • Last shot of a door when the pair leave the site and School bell goes ending the trailer.
  • Then a sentence that creates a question to the audience to get them to think.
The trailer should get are target audience interested to see what happens between the boy and the girl as we have placed images to let them know of there feelings and also enough to keep them guessing.


The two main characters have been paired together by there teacher as he is sick of them arguing in class and to teach them to get on, he makes them work together in a project. This idea is relatable to people as we have all had someone we don't get on with and had to deal with. The girl suggest that they should make cakes for the charity event in school. The boy is not happy with the idea as he believes it is girly and doesn’t want to. There is also a person that is scared to do things because of social influences and what people will think. The teacher agrees with the girl that they should make cakes. In the begging the two can not get along at all and fight over everything from what side, what bowl ect ect.This allows us to create some comedy within in the film as we can make there fights entertaining with food fights. As time goes on and they spend more time together they begin to talk and share things with each other and develop feelings for one another with out releasing. This part of the story is to show that feelings can change between people and how they act. It also shows romance which attracts are target audience.

Story Board

The casting for our trailer is simple as we only need a few main characters.... We need one male lead who is the potential love interest and one female lead who will be baking cakes.

The male lead need to fit a certain criteria:

  • Look quite manly, even thought he will be baking cakes he needs to have an attractive side as she falls for him
  • Muscular to fit the male stereotype of a good looking male
  • Even though he can be manly he needs to have a sensitive side as he is baking cakes
The woman lead needs to fit a certain criteria:
  • She needs to look womanly and independent as she is trying to make it on her own
  • She has to have passion for something as her passion for cake making is huge
We may need some extra in the background etc for the cake off as it will look more authentic in the trailer. Also in a real trailer there wouldn't just be two characters.
Here it shows our story board been hand drawn representing the characters who are going to be in our film trailer!

The two main characters have been paired together by there teacher as he is sick of them arguing in class and to teach them to get on, he makes them work together in a project. This idea is relatable to people as we have all had someone we don't get on with and had to deal with. The girl suggest that they should make cakes for the charity event in school. The boy is not happy with the idea as he believes it is girly and doesn’t want to. There is also a person that is scared to do things because of social influences and what people will think. The teacher agrees with the girl that they should make cakes. In the begging the two can not get along at all and fight over everything from what side, what bowl etc.This allows us to create some comedy within in the film as we can make there fights entertaining with food fights. As time goes on and they spend more time together they begin to talk and share things with each other and develop feelings for one another with out releasing. This part of the story is to show that feelings can change between people and how they act. It also shows romance which attracts are target audience.

Story Board on PhotoPeach

Logo Production Design

When creating our logo we looked at what worked well in existing film production logos and from what worked well in these logos we tried to incorporate these ideas into our logo. We didn't want it to be too busy so we wanted to keep it simple as it would be more likely that people would remember and recognize it. We wanted the name of our film company clear to see with a picture or symbol related to media, film or entertainment to go with it. We wanted it to be interesting and eye catching but not too much going on to confuse or distract the audience. The main attributes we wanted our logo to have were to be simple, smart and professional looking I think we achieved this. The logos below are the designs we came up with:
Try our slideshow creator at Animoto.

Here it shows a couple of experiments of the logo's that we made for our production name DJHA.